Esta categoría separa los cursos regulares de los programas de estudios dirigidos a EMPRESAS para brindar una atención y enseñanza académica adecuada a las necesidades de los funcionarios de una institución privada o estatal para facilitarles cursos basados en competencias interdisciplinarias al área corporativa.

Learning Objective:

  1. Use vocabulary, meaning, form, and grammar beyond the A1 level.
  2. Understand and use frequently occurring expressions related to areas of immediate relevance, such as personal information, shopping, local geography, and employment.
  3. Communicate effectively in simple, direct exchanges on familiar topics and activities.
  4. Describe aspects of personal background, immediate environment, and basic needs using clear, simple language.

The course aims to improve communication effectiveness in personal and professional contexts, ensuring managers can confidently articulate ideas, discuss industry-specific topics, and interact with local and international partners. 

El curso tiene como objetivo ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender a organizar y gestionar su propio estudio, mejorar su inglés para situaciones diarias y de trabajo, y usar herramientas en línea para aprender por sí mismos. Se enfocará en cómo funciona el cerebro para aprender mejor, trabajar en equipo con otros estudiantes y aprender inglés adaptado a situaciones prácticas. Además, los estudiantes podrán evaluar su progreso para mejorar continuamente.

This CECEI's program is focused on teaching English Language skills tailored to specific job positions based on the particular needs of the workers in TABOLISA industry. The competencies to be reached by students in this A1 course are the following.

  1. Greet and introduce themselves in various everyday and job related situations.

  2. Describe themselves and their roles according to their job positions.

  3. Provide basic information around their duties and routines.

  4. Listen and understand main ideas and basic details about people’s personal information such as family, life habits, work place, responsibilities, abilities and general truths. 

  5. Fill in forms and write basic information in the form of short paragraphs, simple emails or even descriptions of figures and numbers using simple language.

  6. Read a simple text to grasp its main idea and details.  

  7. Make appropriate responses using basic phrases and vocabulary to show agreement and disagreement, acceptance or rejection, apologies and gratitude, or express likes and dislikes, contentment or disappointment. 

This CECEI's program is focused on teaching English Language skills tailored to specific job positions based on the particular needs of the workers in TABOLISA industry in areas such as finance, operations, logistics, and production, among others.

This program covers topics aiming at:

A1 - March 5th - May 2nd, 2024

 (Holy Week break from Monday, March 25th to Thursday 28th, 2024)

  • Greet and introduce themselves in various everyday and job related situations.

  • Describe themselves and their roles according to their job positions.

  • Provide basic information around their duties and routines.

  • Listen and understand main ideas and basic details about people’s personal information such as family, life habits, work place, responsibilities, abilities and general truths. 

  • Fill in forms and write basic information in the form of short paragraphs, simple emails or even descriptions of figures and numbers using simple language.

  • Read a simple text to grasp its main idea and details.  

  • Make appropriate responses using basic phrases and vocabulary to show agreement and disagreement, acceptance or rejection, apologies and gratitude, or express likes and dislikes, contentment or disappointment. 

A2 - May 6th - June 27th, 2024

  • Ask for and give personal information to others about yourself and people close to you like family, friends and colleagues. 

  • Narrate accurately past experiences to demonstrate a logical sequence of ideas.

  • Describe and/or report an event relevant to your job position.

  • Provide advice or request suggestions from others to improve processes in your everyday duties.  

  • Develop simple reports to inform about an issue addressing the conditions, causes and consequences.  

  • Make comparisons and contrast different job positions and roles in order to find a common collaborative ground. 

  • Make reference to future plans and work related arrangements you need to accommodate such as travel, negotiation, meetings, and others. 

B1 -  July 01st - August 29th, 2024

  • Meeting communication demands of specific skills.

  • Reading and sending emails appropriately.

  • Present and write reports to the board of directors and management positions verbally.

  • Establish effective communication with suppliers, potential clients and business partners. 

  • Moderating, directing and presenting data in videoconferences for various business purposes, including listening and interpreting the audience’s messages correctly to communicate clearly. 

  • Respond to requests that need to be addressed related to the cigars and tobacco world.

Created and revised by: Ing. Luis Ibarra & MSc. Jovanska Castrillo

Descriptor de curso

E-Anywhere de educación a distancia diseñado para responder a las necesidades de aprendizaje no presencial en comunidades rurales vinculadas a la industria tabacalera de preindustria. Este proyecto surge como una solución a las limitaciones logísticas y de acceso a recursos tecno-computacionales en áreas rurales.

Este curso estará adaptado a estudiantes con un nivel de escolaridad que va desde sexto grado de primaria hasta bachillerato ó al grado de escolaridad que tenga un grupo de estudiantes de la media que facilite la empresa TABOLISA. 

Esto permitirá a los educadores del Curso-Evidencia impartir el curso de forma asincrónica para mejorar el autoaprendizaje como método principal de enseñanza a través de una Plataforma Virtual de Aprendizaje, y de forma sincrónica a través de videoconferencias como método secundario para brindar instrucciones directas a los estudiantes, proporcionar retroalimentación sobre su progreso en la adquisición de habilidades y dar seguimiento al aprendizaje, todo ello sin desviarse del enfoque en el GAAAD.


1. Enseñar a los estudiantes a utilizar recursos didácticos accesibles como material multimedia, material impreso y aplicaciones móviles. 

2. Capacitar a los estudiantes en el uso adecuado de la web y el internet para gestionar su propio aprendizaje. Esto desarrollará en los estudiantes la habilidad de Gestión del Aprendizaje y Autoaprendizaje a Distancia (GAAAD). 

3. Evaluar la adquisición de la habilidad de GAAAD de cada individuo mediante la participación en un curso diseñado para evidenciar las estrategias y técnicas aprendidas. 


The B1 Threshold for Business English course is designed to enhance your English language skills in a professional context, aligning with the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This course is tailored for learners who have already achieved an A2 level of English and are ready to advance their language abilities to effectively communicate in business environments.

This CECEI's program is focused on teaching English Language skills tailored to specific job positions based on the particular needs of the workers in TABOLISA industry in areas such as finance, operations, logistics, and production, among others.

This program covers topics aiming at:

A1 - March 5th - May 2nd, 2024

 (Holy Week break from Monday, March 25th to Thursday 28th, 2024)

  • Greet and introduce themselves in various everyday and job related situations.

  • Describe themselves and their roles according to their job positions.

  • Provide basic information around their duties and routines.

  • Listen and understand main ideas and basic details about people’s personal information such as family, life habits, work place, responsibilities, abilities and general truths. 

  • Fill in forms and write basic information in the form of short paragraphs, simple emails or even descriptions of figures and numbers using simple language.

  • Read a simple text to grasp its main idea and details.  

  • Make appropriate responses using basic phrases and vocabulary to show agreement and disagreement, acceptance or rejection, apologies and gratitude, or express likes and dislikes, contentment or disappointment. 

A2 - May 6th - June 27th, 2024

  • Ask for and give personal information to others about yourself and people close to you like family, friends and colleagues. 

  • Narrate accurately past experiences to demonstrate a logical sequence of ideas.

  • Describe and/or report an event relevant to your job position.

  • Provide advice or request suggestions from others to improve processes in your everyday duties.  

  • Develop simple reports to inform about an issue addressing the conditions, causes and consequences.  

  • Make comparisons and contrast different job positions and roles in order to find a common collaborative ground. 

  • Make reference to future plans and work related arrangements you need to accommodate such as travel, negotiation, meetings, and others. 

B1 -  July 01st - August 29th, 2024

  • Meeting communication demands of specific skills.

  • Reading and sending emails appropriately.

  • Present and write reports to the board of directors and management positions verbally.

  • Establish effective communication with suppliers, potential clients and business partners. 

  • Moderating, directing and presenting data in videoconferences for various business purposes, including listening and interpreting the audience’s messages correctly to communicate clearly. 

  • Respond to requests that need to be addressed related to the cigars and tobacco world.

Created and revised by: Ing. Luis Ibarra & MSc. Jovanska Castrillo